Role: Sensory Manager, Food Innovation Center, CSU Spur
How are you connected to CSU Spur?
I am connected with CSU Spur through the Food Innovation Center, which is a program developed through the College of Agriculture. Our purpose is to support regional food businesses with their product development, quality testing, and sensory testing needs – which is where I come in! I manage and run all sensory testing services that we do at Spur, including sensory projects for research and extension, as well as sensory testing for actual food and beverage businesses.
When did you get involved with Spur and why is it important to you?
I joined the Spur family in July 2023 because I wanted to support food and beverage businesses and researchers throughout the Rocky Mountain region. Colorado is home to a bustling food industry that is extremely health-conscious and is home to a diverse and unique agricultural system. I want to be a tool for a variety of food producers, growers, ranchers, and developers to understand sensory testing and know how to leverage it to improve the quality of their products. I also want to support researchers as they incorporate sensory testing into their projects, making them more interdisciplinary and impactful.
What outcomes have you seen or do you expect from work at Spur?
I expect the sensory testing program at Spur to grow and be an attractive option for not only researchers and businesses but also for the public. Sensory testing runs off volunteer taste testers. Participating in sensory testing is a great way for people to learn how to appreciate and train their palate, but also a way for them to get involved in the greater food system. But of course, I also hope that our sensory testing programs at Spur will be a great support for regional food and beverage businesses to improve the quality of their products.
What would you like others to know about Spur?
I hope that everyone in the greater Denver region comes to Spur at least once and sees all that it has to offer! Spur is a one-of-a-kind community that is setting the bar for innovation.