We welcome the opportunity to work with credentialed journalists from broadcast, print, and online outlets on stories about CSU Spur. While we cannot guarantee availability, we ask that members of the media get in touch with our communications team at least 72 hours prior to visiting CSU Spur if they would like to be accompanied by a CSU Spur employee. We reserve the right to set guidelines and limitations in regards to filming and photography to ensure the safety and privacy of guests, clients, employees, and animals. To arrange a visit to CSU Spur to conduct interviews, please contact Tiana Kennedy at [email protected].

To capture photos or video at CSU Spur, please fill out a contract and submit it to [email protected].

Logos and brand guidelines are available.

Personal Photography

All photographs and other forms of artistic renderings made for personal use, such as for recreational or educational purposes, are always permitted without any fee or special permission required.

Commercial Filming

CSU Spur is available to accommodate film and photo shoots for your commercial needs. Please note: CSU Spur is the property of the Board of Governors of the Colorado State University System and any commercial use or profit-making from media captured on the premises requires permission from the CSU System. Any commercial use of photographs, video, or film taken at CSU Spur is strictly prohibited without the full written consent of the CSU System. To learn more or to schedule please contact Michelle Kelley at [email protected]

Media contact:

Tiana Kennedy
AVP for Communications, Colorado State University and the CSU System
[email protected]

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What is Spur?

CSU Spur is a new, free educational year-round public life-long learning destination in Denver focused on engaging PreK-12 students, families, and visitors around food, water, and health. CSU Spur showcases the work of the CSU System campuses: CSUCSU Pueblo, and CSU Global, and offers degree programs that originate from the campus offerings. Spur is built upon the land-grant mission of access to education and the belief that students can be anything they want to be. To inspire learners of all ages to engage in important world issues, CSU Spur brings together scientists to collaborate, puts science on-display, and showcases career paths. The CSU Spur campus provides immersive learning experiences and cutting-edge research across three buildings: Vida, Terra, and Hydro.