Role: Coordinator of Engagement Technology for CSU Spur and Director of
How are you connected to CSU Spur?
I initially began leading the South Platte Bioblitz as a volunteer three years ago and have been developing an exhibit at Spur that will showcase community-driven work that CSU is collaborating with across the globe as part of the Global Mapping Project. The Global Mapping project is also advancing a Colorado mapping project that will share stories of what CSU is doing across the state and with which partners, including many projects in the vicinity of the new Spur campus.
When did you get involved with Spur and why is it important to you?
I started volunteering for the Bioblitz three years ago, and I also started working on the Global Mapping project at that time. Spur is important to me because it embodies a passion of mine to totally rethink the role of a University in the world. Spur challenges us to rethink collaboration, engagement, and action and re-envision how we can co-create action in society together with partners who are the true champions of change for improved livelihoods, ecosystems, and communities. My work in community science is synergistic with the vision of Spur whereby members of the community work together alongside partners at Spur to study phenomena of interest and concern to them. These collaborations then co-create projects that gather data and information to guide evidence-based decision making about issues requiring informed decisions that will affect the quality of life of members of the community.
What outcomes have you seen or do you expect from work at Spur?
I expect outcomes that improve the livelihoods and quality of life of community members. I envision outcomes that span the gamut from improving economic vitality, ecosystem services, and public health.
What would you like others to know about Spur?
I want people to know Spur is a truly OPEN campus that is open to all and that is re-envisioning how a University operates. I want people to know there are job opportunities at Spur, that the campus is striving to be a truly sustainable campus, and that its mission is to improve the well-being of people, economies, and the ecosystems they depend on for a high quality life where they can thrive.