There are so many benefits to engaging at CSU Spur

More than 45 projects are active at CSU Spur that originated from the CSU campus. If you are a faculty or staff member within the CSU System who is considering a project at CSU Spur or is interested in learning more about the value proposition of CSU Spur, please contact Jim Bradeen, associate vice president of CSU Spur Strategy, at

Grow connections

Grow connections

Create new connections with industry, neighborhood groups, and cultural institutions.

Expand impact

Expand impact

Support innovation and career pathways through stakeholder and industry partnerships.

Expand education

Expand education

Create, launch, or expand PreK-gray experiential educational programming.

Community connections

Community connections

Pursue community-engaged scholarship and outreach.
“Spur is another door to access CSU talent and programs for the Denver and statewide community.”
Dawn Thilmany headshot
Dawn Thilmany
Professor of Agriculture and Resource Economics, CSU

Research spaces

Research spaces

Unique research facilities.

Funding opportunities

Funding opportunities

Access ready-made broader impacts to enhance grant proposal competitiveness.

Future students

Future students

Grow student outreach and student pipeline.
“Getting involved at CSU Spur will expand your horizons and lead to opportunities that you cannot predict.”
Andrew Warnock headshot
Andrew Warnock
Director of National Sciences Education and Outreach Center, CSU

Alumni engagement

Alumni engagement

Improve alumni and donor interactions; the Denver metro is home to 65,000 CSU alumni.

A mission of access

A mission of access

Through flexible educational models, improve educational access.

Urban location

Urban location

Take advantage of Spur’s proximity to Denver International Airport and the city’s population and industry density.

Beautiful spaces

Beautiful spaces

Leverage Spur’s unique spaces for your events, conferences, and meetings.