Role: Director of the Natural Sciences Education & Outreach Center, CSU Fort Collins
How are you connected to Spur?
The Natural Sciences Education & Outreach Center collaborates with CSU faculty researchers to design authentic hands-on STEM research experiences for 4-12th grade students. We hope to share these experiences with students and teachers who visit the Spur campus.
When did you get involved with Spur and why is it important to you?
I joined the Spur Hydro building design team in ~2015. Contributing to the design of such a well-positioned facility has helped me clarify the education approaches we use at our center and has helped me think about how those approaches should be improved to make our work as accessible as possible to an even wider diversity of learners.
What outcomes have you seen or do you expect from work at Spur?
I have already begun to see growing enthusiasm from faculty who would like to engage with a more diverse audience, but do not know how. Learning from our partners, like those at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, has been a tremendous help.
What would you like others to know about Spur?
Getting involved will expand your horizons and lead to opportunities that you cannot predict. The team is small and welcoming and needs everyone to help make it a really transformational and inclusive space.