Role: Director of the Temple Grandin Equine Center
How are you connected to CSU Spur?
The Temple Grandin Equine Center will have a programming location inside the Vida building at CSU Spur. As such, I have been involved in designing the Vida facility and will be managing the equine assisted services program once Vida is opened.
When did you get involved with Spur and why is it important to you?
Luckily, I have been involved from the inception of this endeavor, even at the “just a dream” phase. In 2016, when CSU was exploring what type of programming it would want to have in Denver and promoting ideas to the Colorado Legislature, City of Denver, Western Stock Show Association, and others, the Temple Grandin Equine Center hosted a demonstration of equine assisted services to CSU leadership. Immediately upon demonstration, CSU leadership agreed that the Temple Grandin Equine Center should have some programming at CSU Spur.
What outcomes have you seen or do you expect from work at Spur?
The Temple Grandin Equine Center started an outreach program in Denver in early 2017 at a leased facility at the National Western Complex. It was CSU’s first outreach program showcasing what would be forthcoming at CSU Spur. Over the last few years, we have kept programming somewhat small but still impactful to the Denver area seeking animal assisted therapy resources. When we open in Vida at Spur, the sky’s the limit! We believe that we will be able to host more than 200 therapy services per week. Through the Center, CSU will be providing meaningful services to those with and without special needs, including, but not limited to, those with physical and cognitive disabilities, youth in high-risk situations, seniors in need, and veterans. Programs at Spur will be significantly furthering CSU’s land grant mission of extension and outreach.
What would you like others to know about Spur?
Through the Temple Grandin Equine Center, Spur will also have many volunteer opportunities for Denver area residents. Volunteers will have the option of helping care for horses and participating and assisting in therapies and therapeutic activities.