The below content replicates the content of the physical exhibit at CSU Spur. It can be used for reference, language translation, and additional accessibility.
Food Processing: What is it?
From juice to chips, many foods go through different steps before getting to your plate—one of those steps is called processing. “Processing” can make raw foods and drinks safe to eat and drink, create new products to enjoy, and help food last longer, which means food can travel farther distances to be available to more people.
Image caption: Many foods go through some type of processing, like these potatoes getting washed, sorted, and packaged before they get distributed.
Processing: Adding Value
When the foods we eat and enjoy are collected from a farm, they might need to go through some steps to get them ready for our plate—this is called processing.
Visit the food innovation labs on the 1st floor of this building to discover more about processing!
Processing can add flavor to foods and drinks to make them as delicious as possible and can also help them last longer.
Cooking, canning, smoking, and drying are ways we process and preserve food.
Jobs in food processing can include operations, engineering, merchandising, logistics, business, finance, human resources, and information technology.
Image caption: Have you canned jam or vegetables? That’s processing! Canning foods like cucumbers and tomatoes helps them last longer to be enjoyed all year long.
The Many Uses of Corn
Raw corn can be turned into so many different products we eat and use every day! Use this panel to discover some of the items that come from processing corn.
Follow the Corn Meal
Follow the Corn Oil
Cornmeal is a common ingredient you might find in your home that’s used in many recipes. Ground from dried corn, it is used in muffins, biscuits, and cookies.
Inspection and Cleaning
Corn must first be inspected and cleaned.
Tempering the Corn
Next, the corn is tempered, which increases moisture and separates the different parts of the corn kernel.
Dry Milling
Dry milling then removes the bran and germ from corn to create cornmeal that stays fresh and lasts longer.
Corn Oil
The corn kernel germ can be used to make corn oil – a filtered and purified vegetable oil used in cooking.
The Parts of Corn
Slide the panel to discover the different parts of a corn kernel.
- Endosperm
- Pericarp
- Germ
- Tip cap
- Bran
Interactive Panel 2
Follow the Cornstarch
Follow the Fiber
Starches & Carbs
Cornstarch is often used to thicken sauces or soups, and to make corn syrup, sugars, and glues.
Grinding and Screening
First, the corn mixture from germ separation is ground to release starch and gluten from the fiber in the kernels.
Starch-Gluten Separation
Next, starch and gluten are separated and removed to be made into other products.
Washing and Dilution
The starch is washed to remove protein and produce high quality starch.
Animal Feed
The separated fiber is collected and becomes a major ingredient in animal feeds.
Uses of Starch
Flip the cover to discover how we use cornstarch:
- Cooking
- Glues
- Paper Products
- Anti-sticking Products
- Clothes
Interactive Panel 3
Follow the Sugar
Follow the Acids
Corn Sugars & Sweeteners
Corn sweetener is found in many foods and drinks, and maybe even your own kitchen!
Making Syrup
First, the starch in corn is changed into liquid using acids or enzymes.
Making the Right Mixture
Next, the acids and enzymes are turned into a glucose (or sugar) solution.
Refining the Syrups
The syrups are refined (or purified and filtered). Any extra water is evaporated, and the syrup is ready!
By-products: Alcohol and Amino Acids
After starch is made into sugar, the leftover glucose can be turned into alcohol, amino acids, or other products.
Syrupy Sweetness
Corn syrup is found in many foods and drinks! Spin the square to discover what products might include corn syrup:
- Barbecue Sauces
- Cakes and Pies
- Salad Dressings
- Ice Creams
- Juices
- Sodas
Ethanol to Fuel the World
Ethanol is an alternative fuel option made from renewable products like corn, which is natural and easy to grow.
Follow the Ethanol
Follow the CO2
Sugar into Ethanol
First, the starch in corn is turned into glucose (or syrup). The glucose is then broken down into ethanol.
Next, yeast is added to the glucose, which breaks it down and makes ethanol and carbon dioxide.
Distillation and Dehydration
The ethanol mixture is distilled (heated and cooled to filter out the best product) and then dehydrated to get pure ethanol.
Carbon Dioxide
Carbon dioxide is used to make carbonated drinks (like sodas) and is used also in greenhouses to help plants grow.
More Products into Ethanol
What other products can be used to make ethanol? Lift the lid to uncover the answer!
- Sorghum
- Barley
- Sugar Cane
- Sugar Beets