The below content replicates the content of the physical exhibit at CSU Spur. It can be used for reference, language translation, and additional accessibility.
Globe A: Making Ripples
Notice how one droplet of water creates many ripples (the ripple effect!). How do multiple ripples interact with each other and where the water meets the land?
Instructions: Touch the buttons
Globe B: Making Clouds
Condensation is water vapor changing from gas to liquid on cool surfaces (turn the wheel to the left). Evaporation is liquid changing to gas as temperature increases (turn the wheel to the right to heat up the sun).
Instructions: Turn left for condensation / Turn right for evaporation
Globe C: Making Light Bend
When light shines through water, it bends (refracts) and bounces (reflects) in interesting ways. Touch the buttons to see what happens when light passes through still and moving water.
Instructions: Touch button for light / Touch button to create motion