Location: Vida exterior
The concept of Vital Rhythms reinterprets the electrocardiogram (ECG) vital signs and other data visualizations of horses at various modes of activity into an expansive and dimensional mural of a horse.
About the artist
Norman began his career as a designer of interpretive environments. In 2003, Norman was named a finalist in the World Trade Center Site Memorial Competition. In the largest design competition in history, his concept, Votives in Suspension, was selected from an international field of 5,201 submissions representing 49 states and 63 nations. Norman holds Bachelor and Master degrees from the University of Texas at Austin, where he studied art history, psychology, and museum studies. His work has been featured in The New York Times, Houston Chronicle, Fort Worth Star, San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco Appeal, SEGDdesign, USA Today, Architectural Record, Art in America, ARTnews, Imagining Ground Zero, and Texas Architect.